Home " Resysta
Feels like precious tropical wood, looks like precious tropical wood, but is not. Resysta products from Salamander do not use any wood at all and thus protect the rainforest. They are waterproof, UV-resistant & super easy to clean.
You are a garden and landscape builder, carpenter or building material dealer and you are still missing an elegant alternative in your product range besides numerous WPC profiles? Dann ist Resysta genau die richtige Wahl. There is no other product on the market, which on the one hand looks so natural, and on the other hand has so many convincing advantages in the outdoor area.
Feel free to contact us, we will send you samples quickly and easily.
Are you end customerand considering building a chic SALAMANDER terrace from Resysta? The look and feel of Salamander's Resysta products are crucial to your informed purchase decision. Via our dealer search you will find stationary dealers in your area, where the quality of Salamander's Resysta products will convince you.
When it comes to wood for outdoor use, the choice usually falls on tropical wood thanks to its look and feel. This is exactly the wood that our Salamander Resysta products are based on. Due to different processing methods and enormous scope for color design, our Resysta products not only feel like tropical wood, but also look exactly the same - thanks to their appealing, warm natural tone.
The special feature: Resysta products from Salamander are available in a wide variety of colors, depending on your preferences. Noble wood tones such as walnut brown, white, green or red - there are no limits to your imagination. The special material makes it possible: Unlike wood, Resysta does not absorb water, which prevents the color from flaking off. And sunlight, which causes the color to fade in wood, tends to intensify the color shades in Resysta. Here you can find out what options you have when it comes to the color design of your Salamander Resysta products.
Rice husks, rock salts and mineral oil - these are the components from which our Salamander Resysta products are made. In doing so, we do not use real wood, such as is used in conventional WPC products, and thus make a contribution against the deforestation of forests. In addition, Resysta products from Salamander are recyclable. If a product is no longer needed, we manufacture new, high-quality Resysta products from the discarded materials. With this closed cycle, we want to contribute to the careful use of resources.
A 15-year warranty against swelling, cracking, splintering and rotting is no coincidence - we are convinced of the longevity of our Resysta products. The unique material composition makes Resysta products from Salamander resistant to water and UV radiation and prevents rotting. Fungal or insect attack, cracks and splinters - typical problems with conventional wood products - are also eliminated with Resysta products. For maximum longevity as Resysta decking boards, Resysta pool decks or as Resysta facade profiles for house cladding.
Das “ Network FOR GROWTH – Resysta Netzwerk für Wachstum – “ ist ein Zusammenschluss aller Beteiligten der Resysta Wertschöpfungskette vom Rohstoff über die Verarbeitung und den Handel bis hin zur Wiederverwertung. Alle Netzwerk-Mitglieder teilen die Vision des Wachstumspotenzials und der vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Resysta. Das Ziel des Netzwerks ist es, neue Erkenntnisse, Ideen und Best Practice Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten unter den Mitgliedern auszutauschen und an eine breite Öffentlichkeit zu kommunizieren.
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Then contact us and let our team of proven experts advise you. Together we will find the ideal solution for your individual requirements.
Mail: mnee@ttp-papenburg.de
Phone: +49 4961 914 288
Monday to friday
8:00 till 16:30
The production of both wood and WPC planks, which usually contain a certain amount of wood, requires trees to be cut down. This can cause enormous environmental damage - especially if the wood is tropical. Resysta brings the same look and feel as wood, but does not require wood in the manufacturing process. In addition, Resysta is resistant to water and UV radiation and therefore much more durable.
Resysta is always suitable when it comes to finding a sustainable substitute product for wood or WPC. Resysta can be used, for example, to produce terrace decking, pool decks or panels for interior and exterior cladding of buildings. Resysta is also used in trade fair construction, shipbuilding and for the manufacture of outdoor furniture.
Resysta is composed of around 60 percent rice husks, 22 percent rock salts and 18 percent mineral oil. In a variety of manufacturing processes, these components are used to produce the material from which a wide range of Resysta products are subsequently manufactured.
ttp plastic profiles
From the idea to the development to the finished profile. Since 1958, ttp Papenburg GmbH has been manufacturing individual profiles from a wide variety of plastics at the Papenburg site in northern Germany to customer specifications.
Schulze-Delitzsch-Strasse 23-25
26871 Papenburg
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